Ensuring the Maximum Benefit from Parklets

Support to Councils providing advice and reviews of proposed Parklets Introducing Parklets to support local traders coming out of COVID 19 lockdown will be a great way to stimulate business and get the local economy moving again. Providing parking bays for use as trading and dining areas will bring vibrancy back to local precincts and … Read More

Access Instiute Response to National Registration Framework (NRF) for Building Practitioners

Discussion Paper 2020 The NRF for building Practitioners – Discussion Paper 2020, identifies an important role relating to Access Consultants, with specific expertise in regard to the National Construction Code (NCC) and access requirements for buildings. The proposed NRF has the potential to have significant impact on the role of Access Consultants in assessing compliance … Read More

Minimum Compliance Means Missed Opportunities and Mediocrity

By (Ms.) Joe Manton, Director Access Institute There is no doubt that the introduction of the Commonwealth Disability (Access to Premises- Buildings) Standards in 2011 has seen improvements in access to new buildings and some upgraded buildings, for a variety of building users with disabilities. These minimum standards reference the technical Australian Standards that provide … Read More

People, Pandemics and Premises

By (Ms) Joe Manton, Director, Access Institute Despite the challenges presented to the whole community during the COVID 19 pandemic, much significant work has continued to progress regarding how we can make life for everyone more accessible, more inclusive, more productive and more enjoyable. In terms of the built environment and buildings in particular, 2020  … Read More

What are the key elements that must be considered to ensure a building is accessible to everyone?

The common understanding is that creating an accessible building involves compliance with mandatory relevant access legislation, codes and standards. This includes standards that will have an impact on the accessibility of the premises for people with a range of disabilities including mobility, vision, hearing, intellectual ability, cognitive ability etc. There is also a variety of … Read More

Access and Public Transport

Public transport has always been a critically important mode of transport for many people in the community. This includes for people with a disability or other access challenges who rely on public transport to undertake their everyday activities. The Australian Bureau of Statistics writes, “When people with disabilities are restricted from accessing affordable and convenient … Read More

What is Universal Design?

Universal Design is the process of designing products and environments to be useable by everyone, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialised design. Universal Design incorporates the needs of women and men, people with disabilities, older adults, children and young people, people who are left handed or people who are … Read More

Architects and Access Responsibilities

Architects have a significant power in designing and creating spaces that everyone can use, every day. From the smallest cabin, to vast shopping centres and skyscrapers, architects are responsible for creating structures for all people to use and enjoy. With that significant power comes significant responsibility. Celebration of high quality architecture has traditionally always focused … Read More

Building Surveyors and Access Responsibilities

During the design and construction process, few roles require the vast knowledge base of the building surveyor. Their role, as described by the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS), is ‘ensuring buildings are safe to occupy, energy efficient, accessible and are suitable for occupation.’ ‘As part of this responsibility, they review, analyse and assess plans … Read More

2018 Festive season wishes and office closure

Happy Holidays from Access Institute The team at Access Institute will be taking a break during the festive season. Access Institute would like to thank you for all your support throughout the year and look forward to working and training with you in 2018. Our office will be closed for the Christmas break from close … Read More

Access and Tourism

Accessible tourism presents challenges in many ways for both customers and service providers alike. Movement from one location to another, accommodation, information and service provision are core elements of any tourism experience. Some important general statistics to note around access and tourism: Almost one in five people has a disability Nearly 90 percent of people … Read More

‘The course was a great mix of theory and practical. Having two course facilitators provided great balance and continued interest. I would recommend this course to all Council staff across all departments.’ — Ben Dowler, City of Sydney