Why Undertake an Access Audit?

The decision to undertake access audits can seem like a daunting one, especially when tens or hundreds of buildings, facilities and spaces may be under an organisation’s control. There are a host of reasons to undertake access audits of premises, including determining compliance with relevant Australian building legislation, demonstrating a commitment to meeting the intent … Read More

What is an Access Audit?

“We need to get some access audits done before we do any upgrades.” This statement is heard throughout many Australian organisations every year. But what exactly is an access audit? The common understanding is that an access audit involves inspecting premises or reviewing plans in order to determine compliance with relevant access legislation, codes and … Read More

Announcing the Launch of Our New Company Name and Website

Access Institute is excited to announce the launch of our new company name and website. Why have we changed our name from Institute of Access Training Australia (IATA) to Access Institute? We feel it is now time to refresh our brand image to continue to set the benchmark for access advice and training in such … Read More

‘The course was a comprehensive and informative introduction to access auditing. The presenters were professional, interesting and engaging. I would recommend the course highly.’ — Jeff Ray, Transport for NSW